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"Device represents one individual hardware instance that can be selected based on its attributes. Besides the name, exactly one field must be set."



fn withName


"Name is unique identifier among all devices managed by the driver in the pool. It must be a DNS label."

obj basic

"BasicDevice defines one device instance."

fn basic.withAttributes


"Attributes defines the set of attributes for this device. The name of each attribute must be unique in that set.\n\nThe maximum number of attributes and capacities combined is 32."

fn basic.withAttributesMixin


"Attributes defines the set of attributes for this device. The name of each attribute must be unique in that set.\n\nThe maximum number of attributes and capacities combined is 32."

Note: This function appends passed data to existing values

fn basic.withCapacity


"Capacity defines the set of capacities for this device. The name of each capacity must be unique in that set.\n\nThe maximum number of attributes and capacities combined is 32."

fn basic.withCapacityMixin


"Capacity defines the set of capacities for this device. The name of each capacity must be unique in that set.\n\nThe maximum number of attributes and capacities combined is 32."

Note: This function appends passed data to existing values