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"ClusterCIDRSpec defines the desired state of ClusterCIDR."



fn withIpv4


"IPv4 defines an IPv4 IP block in CIDR notation(e.g. \"\"). At least one of IPv4 and IPv6 must be specified. This field is immutable."

fn withIpv6


"IPv6 defines an IPv6 IP block in CIDR notation(e.g. \"2001:db8::/64\"). At least one of IPv4 and IPv6 must be specified. This field is immutable."

fn withPerNodeHostBits


"PerNodeHostBits defines the number of host bits to be configured per node. A subnet mask determines how much of the address is used for network bits and host bits. For example an IPv4 address of, splits the address into 24 bits for the network portion and 8 bits for the host portion. To allocate 256 IPs, set this field to 8 (a /24 mask for IPv4 or a /120 for IPv6). Minimum value is 4 (16 IPs). This field is immutable."

obj nodeSelector

"A node selector represents the union of the results of one or more label queries over a set of nodes; that is, it represents the OR of the selectors represented by the node selector terms."

fn nodeSelector.withNodeSelectorTerms


"Required. A list of node selector terms. The terms are ORed."

fn nodeSelector.withNodeSelectorTermsMixin


"Required. A list of node selector terms. The terms are ORed."

Note: This function appends passed data to existing values